Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Complete Solutions for Resolving Corrupt PST Errors in Outlook

Mostly errors in MS outlook crops up due to corrupt personal folders files (PSTs). When you try to open a corrupt PST file that is associated with your default outlook profile then you might see cryptic error messages. As these error messages are not straightforward to understand, so many users are not aware how to resolve such errors. But, you don’t need to worry as Outlook Support Phone Number is reachable all the time. You can get reliable solutions in no time from deft professionals, via making a call on this number.
 Here, we have compiled a list of most common outlook errors along with their solutions that you may face when your PST file gets corrupted.
Error message says: ‘the file is not a Personal Folders File’
When the file header of PST file gets corrupted then this error crops up and then MS outlook cannot recognize it and treat it as corrupted. You need to discover and fix the damaged file in order to eliminate this error.
Error have been founded in the PST file
If outlook fails to access the data part of the PST files due to some glitches, then this error is encountered. By using in-built inbox repair tool ScanPST you can easily fix it.
Inbox Repair Tool does not recognize the your file
When ScanPST.exe is not able to repair a damaged PST then this error is reported. Though, the tool is effective but in some cases, it is unable to repair severely corrupted or large PST files. In such cases, you need to dial Outlook Customer Service Phone Number and make connection with ingenious professionals. They will guide you toward the proper steps to overcome this error.
When inbox repair tool hangs
Sometime, inbox repair tool, hang endlessly while trying to repair corrupted or damaged PST file. This is mainly caused due to the corruption in complex and deep corruption inside the PST file.
Recovered PST from Scanpst.exe is empty
While opening the repaired PST, you may find it empty and the contents of your mailbox are missing. You need to be very careful when inbox repair tool start repairing PST file to resolve this issue.
To overcome the entire error that you might face while using outlook, you need to take Microsoft Outlook Support. This is the one stop solution for your all burning issues associated with MS outlook. We ensure you that after making connection with the professionals, you are in good hand and your issue will be resolved within a pinch of time.

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